
Showing posts from November, 2018

Aqua Down My Face Because Aqua Broke My Heart

You probably know them by their hit song “Barbie Girl.” “c’mon Barbie lets go party ah ah ah yeah” (really, though, that song is only one small part of their collection, and hardly indicative of what they have to offer). They are Aqua, the band which produced what has, over the years, become my favorite album. They have also become notoriously hated throughout most of my friend group (by that I mean Elizabeth and Pomona. Pomona doesn’t read my blog so I can say whatever I want here. Wasps are overrated). In the few times I have tried to play Aqua for all to enjoy, the speaker has been forcibly removed from the room while others cover their ears and/or try to beat me. But here’s the thing—I don’t blame them. Everything in our nature as educated, sophisticated, mature (or aspiring mature) people tells us to REJECT Aqua. On first impression, the bubbly bouncy Eurodance beats that swarm into your ear canals will make you positive that your brain tissue is halving itself with every passin...

Relationships: A Cringe-fest

My very first blog post was about my embarrassing scholastic bowl debacle. Indeed that moment ‘twas a cringe heard round the world. But, as some of my avid readers will remember me saying (by that I mean just Elizabeth. Hi Elizabeth), that moment was hardly the most embarrassing in my history, but the rest were just too painful to discuss. Well, I’ve gotten over that pain so here’s another one. Once upon a time, boys had cooties. Elementary school boys for the most part were just immature little adrenaline junkies who laughed meanly at everything you did. Thus I saw it as my responsibility to bite their heads off whenever possible. Come to think of it, I was a downright bully. I don’t think I should be blamed for that though—I didn’t have any brothers, so how was I to know that boys were human beings with actual feelings. Anyways, middle school rolled around. At first nothing changed. Boys continued to annoy me and I continued to glare at them until they never looked me in t...