The Fourteen-Hour Thing
I was in a piano lesson lately, and at one point my teacher launched into a story about her college days. There are individual practice rooms on the second floor of Smith Memorial Hall, and she told me that when she was practicing for her major recitals, she would go up to one of those rooms in the morning, practice for fourteen hours, then go home and take a nap before coming back. And here I thought one hour counted as a long practice time ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Anyways, I got to thinking. Fourteen hours? I mean, I knew my piano teacher was intense, but that comment raised her intensity to a whole new level. My immediate thought was ok, a fourteen hour work day is illegal. That should apply to playing your instrument. What beasts are we fighting with? My second thought was, dang. I guess that’s what passion is. I mean, isn’t that what we are all searching for? Something that we are willing to spend fourteen hours a day pursuing, something that makes us willing to go without sleep an...