
Showing posts from August, 2018

Failing: A Lifestyle

"Variety is the spice of life." Let's talk about spices for a second: I know nothing about spices. So let's discuss variety. Variety is intimidating--there's such a large variety of variety that it can seem like there is infinite variety, but as far as I know variety is finite. Still, addressing all the possible varieties of variety would require a variety of blog posts (insert various drum riffs). We're narrowing down now to one type of variety that I consider myself fairly knowledgeable in: the variety of ways you can fail. Let me be clear: this post is not a self deprecating post. This is a sharing of my wealth of knowledge on a subject that I have a large amount of experience with, experience that grows in a linear pattern on a daily basis, and will hopefully provide some wizened advice that will help you cope with your own inevitable collection of failures. For example, just look back at what I have written so far. Almost everything before this point has ...